Tag: pain
Better and Worse
Health is all about feeling good right? As long as you feel no pain, then you are healthy. Isn’t that the message that Big Pharma and your medical doctor are selling you? The lie is that symptom free = health. That is why over the counter pain killers (Advil, Alleve, Tylenol, etc) are so popular,…
Time heals all subluxations
Principle 6 – All processes require time If you are new to chiropractic, you may have been lied to. You may have been told that the pain(s) you have been suffering with for years, will miraculously go away after a few adjustments. You may have been told the myth that once you start chiropractic care,…
Intelligence, Force and Matter
In this video, I explain Principles 7 – 15 of Stevenson’s 33 Chiropractic Principles. These principles explain the interconnectedness of Intelligence, Force and Matter. 3 aspects of Universal life What are the characteristics of Intelligence, Force and Matter? What is their purpose or their main function? All 3, as previously discussed, must be at 100%…
Chiropractic is NOT Universal…
Have you been to a chiropractic office for a while and have been receiving the same adjustment over and over again? Like, nothing changes…. ever? That’s not right. Let me explain. Subluxation based chiropractic is beneficial because, regardless of the technique, the goal of restoring nerve system integrity is its main goal. Since the body…