How does chiropractic help low back pain?
Low back pain is a common reason why people search out chiropractic care. How does chiropractic help low back pain? There are many causes, but the most effective and longest lasting therapy, is chiropractic adjustments. According to research conducted by Georgetown University:
“Back problems are among patients’ most frequent complaints to their doctors. Nearly 65 million Americans report a recent episode of back pain. Some 16 million adults — 8 percent of all adults — experience persistent or chronic back pain, and as a result are limited in certain everyday activities. Back pain is the sixth most costly condition in the United States. Health care costs and indirect costs due to back pain are over $12 billion per year.“
“Many people with back pain also visit chiropractors. Although people with back pain are more likely to go to a physician than to a chiropractor for relief, back pain patients who see chiropractors report that they are more satisfied with their care than those who see medical doctors. Patients who see chiropractors are more likely to say that their provider explained their treatment and provided advice on self-care.“
Low back pain robs people of life. You can’t work, exercise, play, or parent. The good news is that low back pain is correctible and reversible.
Low back pain has many causes: subluxation in the neck, subluxation in the low back, improper lifting, abdominal weakness, trauma, disc and spine degeneration, pregnancy, etc. All of these issues are related to, or are the result of, increased stress on the bones, discs, and nerves of the lumbar spine (and in some cases, the neck).
Medical intervention for low back pain is limited to a drug cocktail (anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, pain killers), physical therapy, and depending on the condition of the spine, surgery. The problem is that NONE of these therapies address the CAUSE of the pain, just the symptoms. Therefore, failure is high and the patient remains in pain, or dependent on drugs to function. That is no quality of life!
How does chiropractic help low back pain?
Subluxation based chiropractic adjustments will address the cause of spinal dysfunction: the subluxation. A subluxation is a bone out of place, applying stress to the discs and nerves that are between that bone. If that subluxation becomes chronic enough, especially in the low back, it can start to affect the nerve roots that feed the sciatic nerve. Ultimately, a small and relatively easy problem to fix, becomes very difficult and time consuming.
Subluxation based chiropractors identify subluxations, correct those subluxations, and allow the innate intelligence of the body to restore balance and homeostasis. By realigning the spine, AND removing nerve pressure, chiropractic adjustments correct the CAUSE of all dis-function in the body. Healing happens when the brain – body connection is restored and maintained. the nerve irritation gets severe enough, it may produce pain.
Next Steps
Low back pain doesn’t have to be a permanent part of your life. It is an alarm that your body is trying to ring. Things are not where and how they should be. But you have an internal mechanism of restoring and maintaining health. It starts with your nerve system being free from interference. Chiropractic help low back pain by clearing out the nerve interference that is creating stress on the bones and discs of your spine. Chiropractic adjustments allow for your nerve system to reconnect to your body, so that you can heal yourself. The pain always goes away when the nerves are free from subluxation pressure.
Going to a subluxation based chiropractor means having an exam, getting x-rays of your spine, and having your spine aligned through specific adjustments. Over time, your spine will become stronger, your nerve system will be able to better control your body, and you will regain health. Call Today!