What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a term that describes the development of abnormal left to right curves of the spine, which measure more than 10 degrees using the Cobb Method of analysis. Although the specific reasons why scolioses develop is still unknown, we do know that there are a few factors that influence development including: neuromusculoskeletal, dietary and hormonal factors. Scoliosis tends to affect females 10x more frequently than males. Severe scolioses (>40 degrees) can dangerously affect heart and lung function and put the life of the person in jeopardy. So can chiropractic help scoliosis from getting worse? Can chiropractic help scoliosis improvement or prevention? Thankfully, Yes!!!
How can chiropractic help scoliosis?
First, early detection is so important to ensuring good outcomes. Early application of subluxation based, corrective chiropractic adjustments, after careful x-ray analysis, are effective and beneficial for the well being and overall health of the patient. Early chiropractic intervention is a key factor in correcting the subluxations that create abnormal curvatures of the spine. Most scoliosis measurements of 20 degrees or less, respond very positively to traditional, conservative chiropractic adjustments.
In those circumstances where the scoliosis is measured between 20 – 40 degrees, the patient must be monitored and x-rayed more frequently, to assess scoliosis progression. More frequent chiropractic care may be necessary. Additional therapies, including exercises and dietary recommendations must be made. There must be a multifaceted approach to stopping the progression of the scoliosis, so that heart and lung function can be maintained. Most scolioses get worse during pregnancy, so detection and intervention as early as possible can have profound impacts. The CLEAR Institute is very successful at correcting mild to moderate to severe scoliosis curves without surgery or bracing.
Are medical options the only way?
We try to teach our patients that “maintaining health is far superior to treating disease”. We also teach: Chiropractic – first, Medicine – second, everything else – last! Why wait? Time is a factor in both healing and in destruction. By the time medical intervention is needed, conservative intervention may not be possible.
Surgery (installing Harrington Rods in the spine) for the need to straighten the scoliosis, leaves the person with loss of motion and scars that run the length of the spine. In some cases, the scoliosis wants to continue, and there have been cases where the rods break.

So what does that mean for me?
A scoliosis diagnosis doesn’t mean a lifetime of deformity or wearing a brace. There are many options for managing and improving a scoliosis, before it becomes dangerous. Chiropractic can help scoliosis. If necessary, it can be combined with physical therapy, dietary counseling and other conservative methods that support the body heal itself. The key is being proactive in prevention, not reactive in treatment!