What is it about chiropractic?
There is a lot of confusion and misinformation about chiropractic and its philosophy, and what chiropractic adjustments can help with. I will try to address some of the main questions we receive in our chiropractic office.
After 20 years in a subluxation based practice, we have been able to help people with so many health related issues, including: headaches, neck and back pain, low back pain / sciatica / piriformis syndrome, radiating pain into the arms and legs, high blood pressure, infertility, ear infections, and so much more!!!!
How do Chiropractic adjustments work?
A chiropractic adjustment is performed when a subluxation in the spine has been found (Click here to learn about subluxations). When an adjustment is performed properly, the brain – body connection is restored. Chiropractors believe that the body was made to heal itself from the inside out. Chiropractors believe that the brain and spinal cord (Central Nervous System) are the organs that control how the body, and all its organs, works.
It is the brain that produces homeostasis (proper function = health) in the body, by controlling and coordinating how everything works.
By removing the nerve interference that a subluxation produces, chiropractors are able to help improve how the body functions, by helping the Nerve system (brain and spinal cord) make a stronger connection with the all the cells, tissues and organs in the body.
Are Chiropractic adjustments safe?
Yes!!! A Chiropractic adjustment is how the chiropractor corrects the alignment of a subluxated bone of the spine. It is a specific force, applied in a specific direction, to align a specific misaligned bone and restore the nerve flow to its ideal quantity. There is an inherent risk to receiving a chiropractic adjustment, but it is very small. That risk is reduced when we take X-rays of the spine and see what is going on underneath.
Different people of different ages and spinal conditions will (and should) receive a different adjustment based on their specific spinal alignment and condition. In our office, a 70 year old with osteoporosis will receive a different adjustment than a 20 year old weight lifter, or a 5 minute old baby. Chiropractic adjustments are safe for newborn babies, children, adults, and the elderly, when the principles and philosophy of chiropractic are adhered to. Each group will receive a different adjustment to correct a subluxation based on their specific needs and requirements.
What’s so special about Chiropractic Philosophy?
Chiropractors can be mechanistic (they manipulate where you have pain) or they can be Vitalistic (they adjust subluxations to improve your brain – body connection so that you can express as much LIFE as possible). All of the wonderful “miracles” we have seen in our office, are because of the philosophical principles of chiropractic. It is the body that heals itself. All we do is remove any interference to that innate function.
If you have been to chiropractors in the past and haven’t experienced improved function and well being, why don’t you give our office a call and allow us to show you what Principled, subluxation based chiropractic is all about. We will do a focused exam, x-rays of your spine, and if everything checks out, we will give you a principled adjustment – not where it hurts but where your nerve system isn’t properly connected to your body. We would love the opportunity to help you express more life and health.
If you are ready to find out more about chiropractic, and start expressing more health, call our office today to start your healing journey!