Tag: subluxation

  • What happens when you can’t work

    What happens when you can’t work

    How heavy was that pencil? We have all been there. You see something insignificant on the floor, and without thinking about proper lifting technique, you bend over to pick it up. OOPS!!!! You feel something “pop in your low back” can’t stand up straight. You fall to the floor and can’t stand up. You can’t…

  • The Perfect Trinity for LIFE

    The Perfect Trinity for LIFE

    In our latest video on Chiropractic Philosophy, I covered Principles 3, 4, and 5. Principle 3 refers to Life being the union of Intelligence and Matter. Principle 4 talks about Life being a Triune of Intelligence, Force, and Matter. Principle 5 talks about how perfect Life is when all 3 factors are being expressed at…

  • Maintain what’s important

    Maintain what’s important

    I find that people always maintain what’s important to them, whatever they value most. This holds true in material items (cars, phones, houses, clothes etc). This also holds true in relationships, in faith and belief systems, and in most importantly, in health. Material things can be replaced, if maintained. Health can be restored, if attended…

  • Chiropractic is NOT Universal…

    Chiropractic is NOT Universal…

    Have you been to a chiropractic office for a while and have been receiving the same adjustment over and over again? Like, nothing changes…. ever? That’s not right. Let me explain. Subluxation based chiropractic is beneficial because, regardless of the technique, the goal of restoring nerve system integrity is its main goal. Since the body…

  • Is something else causing your headaches?

    Is something else causing your headaches?

    It’s not your computer screen! Are you someone who spends their entire work day looking at a screen? Whether it’s a phone screen, tablet, laptop, or large format monitor, work today almost requires spending time in front of screen. Due to this shift in work mechanics, we continue to see people with complaints of headaches,…

  • Isn’t exercise good for you?

    Isn’t exercise good for you?

    That’s something you have heard ad nauseam for years: exercise for health. I am here to tell you that is TRUE! (as if you needed another person validating the importance of exercise for health..). Yes, exercise is good for you. However, exercise is a stress (a physical one), and when the spine is misaligned because…

  • Never had back problems?

    Never had back problems?

    Back pain is the last symptom Have you ever “felt good” and then, out of nowhere, you can’t stand up straight? I see that so often in my office. No symptoms, then boom, 1 day, you “didn’t do anything”, and now you can’t stand up straight. Most people usually say “I’ve never had back problems…

  • That Head-Tilt isn’t Cute…

    That Head-Tilt isn’t Cute…

    That Driver’s License Pic says a lot about you… When was the last time you really looked at your driver’s license picture? Besides the “What was I thinking doing my hair or makeup like that?”… Maybe compare your DL picture to some other pictures of yourself and you will start to see a trend –…

  • The Chiropractic Meaning of Life

    The Chiropractic Meaning of Life

    Principle 2 – The Chiropractic Meaning of Life I am enjoying continuing our exposition on Chiropractic Philosophy. This also helps me understand the philosophy better because, ‘if you can’t teach it, you don’t know it’. “Doctor” (which comes from the Latin word ‘docere’ = ‘to teach’) means teacher not healer. A growth mindset means you…

  • Cervical Spine Subluxations and Neck Pain

    Cervical Spine Subluxations and Neck Pain

    What does neck pain have to do with Chiropractic Care? Neck pain is an extremely common problem, with an estimated two-thirds of the population experiencing it at some point in their lives. While there can be many causes, spinal subluxations in the cervical vertebrae are underlying cause. Thankfully, chiropractic care and adjustments of the upper…