Tag: low back pain

  • Better and Worse

    Better and Worse

    Health is all about feeling good right? As long as you feel no pain, then you are healthy. Isn’t that the message that Big Pharma and your medical doctor are selling you? The lie is that symptom free = health. That is why over the counter pain killers (Advil, Alleve, Tylenol, etc) are so popular,…

  • Time heals all subluxations

    Principle 6 – All processes require time If you are new to chiropractic, you may have been lied to. You may have been told that the pain(s) you have been suffering with for years, will miraculously go away after a few adjustments. You may have been told the myth that once you start chiropractic care,…

  • Intelligence, Force and Matter

    In this video, I explain Principles 7 – 15 of Stevenson’s 33 Chiropractic Principles. These principles explain the interconnectedness of Intelligence, Force and Matter. 3 aspects of Universal life What are the characteristics of Intelligence, Force and Matter? What is their purpose or their main function? All 3, as previously discussed, must be at 100%…

  • Unlocking the Connection: How Your Spine Can Affect Digestive and Endocrine Health

    Unlocking the Connection: How Your Spine Can Affect Digestive and Endocrine Health

    Your digestive and endocrine problems could be coming from your spine. While it might seem surprising, the intricate connection between the spine and these vital bodily functions is a subject that has gained increasing attention in the world of healthcare. In this article, I will delve into the mechanism of how Your spine can affect…

  • Chiropractic and auto accidents

    Chiropractic and auto accidents

    Injured? Auto Accident? Call Today! I am sure you have seen these ads on the side of every bus and billboard advertising for an accident attorney. Big payouts. “Such and such got me $800 Billion dollars.” They always portray the client smiling. The sad truth is that person had to suffer immensely, and lost a…

  • What happens when you can’t work

    What happens when you can’t work

    How heavy was that pencil? We have all been there. You see something insignificant on the floor, and without thinking about proper lifting technique, you bend over to pick it up. OOPS!!!! You feel something “pop in your low back” can’t stand up straight. You fall to the floor and can’t stand up. You can’t…

  • The Perfect Trinity for LIFE

    The Perfect Trinity for LIFE

    In our latest video on Chiropractic Philosophy, I covered Principles 3, 4, and 5. Principle 3 refers to Life being the union of Intelligence and Matter. Principle 4 talks about Life being a Triune of Intelligence, Force, and Matter. Principle 5 talks about how perfect Life is when all 3 factors are being expressed at…

  • Isn’t exercise good for you?

    Isn’t exercise good for you?

    That’s something you have heard ad nauseam for years: exercise for health. I am here to tell you that is TRUE! (as if you needed another person validating the importance of exercise for health..). Yes, exercise is good for you. However, exercise is a stress (a physical one), and when the spine is misaligned because…

  • Never had back problems?

    Never had back problems?

    Back pain is the last symptom Have you ever “felt good” and then, out of nowhere, you can’t stand up straight? I see that so often in my office. No symptoms, then boom, 1 day, you “didn’t do anything”, and now you can’t stand up straight. Most people usually say “I’ve never had back problems…

  • Chiropractic Spinal Correction For Lumbar Dysfunction

    Chiropractic Spinal Correction For Lumbar Dysfunction

    Case 10: severe lumbar disc and bone degeneration What an amazing restoration of function and Quality of Life!!! In this case, we have a 68 year old male. You guessed it: referred by one of our established clients. He was very active (pickleball, snow boarding, surfing, volleyball, body building, etc), but one day…. he woke…